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Be amazed and get to know Sierra de la Ventana like you have never experienced it before,
through this revolutionary way of doing it,
you will know all the details through history, anecdotes and legends,
There are 5 volumes that cover topics such as geology, botany, history, geography, astronomy, flora and fauna,
as well as all the maximum information on our site.
We invite you to acquire this Audio Guide of Sierra de la Ventana,
and to tour the region as you have never experienced it before with an affordable price,
you will be dazzled by our riches!!!
You just need a CD player in your vehicle or usb input,
and you take this audio guide everywhere,
circuits well diagrammed by location,
unique stories, local points of interest, and all the most accurate information about services.



Haz clic en la prensa destacada: Noticias Tornquist  -  Suplemento Viajes y Turismo de Clarín


Declarada de interés Municipal por los siguientes distritos:


Honorable Concejo Deliberante del Partido de Tornquist Res. 21/15

Honorable Concejo Deliberante del Partido de Cnel. Suárez Res. 11/16


Si estas por viajar adquirila por mercado libre, o directamente en nuestros puntos de venta.



 producido, distribuido y comercializado por Tierra Ventana Servicios Turísticos


Adquirila en:

Capital Federal:  Av. Montes de Oca 1361.

Sierra de la Ventana: Colectora José Hernández 132 (pegado al museo del mate)

Villa Ventana: El Candil Casa de Te


Teléfono 0291 155094696 o 011 1567147027

Más detalles escríbenos un mail a:  tierraventana@gmail.com


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